Friday, July 9, 2010

Farewell Barth

To all who have been following this and keeping Barth and Pam in your Barth lost his battle to Multiple Myeloma. He will be so deeply missed by so many. We love you Barth and know that you will continue watching down on us from Heaven.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Finally.....Some GOOD news!!!!!

After all that Barth has been through, there is finally a light at the end of the tunnel! Barth's counts are good enough now that they are headed to Seattle for his stem cell transplants! Pam is working out all the arrangements for them and it sounds like it will be about 2 weeks and they will be there! They will be staying for 3 months for the whole treatment process! Keep praying for his continued healing and the success of these treatments!

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Some Pictures From The BBQ/Silent Auction

Thanks to everyone who made this day such a HUGE success!!! We were able to raise a total of just over $7500!!!!!!

Update on Barths Progress.

I got this update from Pam today:

We got very, very good news at the doctor's office yesterday. We got the abnormal protein lab values back and the abnormal protein is down to 1.0 from 3.3. It needs to be 0.5 before we go to Seattle. The bad news is that he has to get strong enough to WALK into Seattle Cancer Care Alliance before we can go to Seattle. Right now he can only walk about 3-4 steps without feeling so weak he has to sit down. He is exercising with elastic bands to gain strength. He is working very hard so when the numbers go down he will be physically ready to go.

A Word From Barth and Pam...

When you get the diagnosis of cancer, you run the whole gambit of emotions, from denial, to anger to acceptance. But through this whole adventure of the cancer treatment, with all the bumps in the road of unexpected illnesses, weakness and infection; we have received too many blessings to count, including the incredible warmth of friends and complete strangers, the prayer and well wishes from everyone and the outpouring of love from our entire community. To know that there are people out there that will stop what they are doing at a moments notice and come to your aid is very heartwarming and comforting.

We use the works "thank you" every day. It seems like such a small thing. It doesn't begin to say enough to express our gratitude. Thank you to everyone who worked so hard to make the fundraisers happen, thank you to everyone who came and made it such a success and thank you to all those who could not come but thought of us, wished us well and prayed for us. Thank you all.

Hopefully we will be traveling to Seattle soon for a stem cell transplant and we will have to stay in Seattle for 3 months. The money you raised for us will be used for that. This would not have been possible without your generosity.

Again, from the bottom of our hearts, thank you so much.

~Barth and Pam

Monday, June 29, 2009

Early approximation

Well, the BBQ/silent auction was a huge success! Thank you so much to everyone who helped in every way! We definitely could not have done it without you. I'm waiting on some pictures, so those will be posted soon. I figured everyone was a little curious on how much was raised for Barth. While the exact amount is not for sure, (because some haven't come for the things and such) I thought it would be nice for you to know the ballpark of where we are so far. So far, we have raised over $7400 !!!!!!!! That will be such a huge help to Barth and Pam through all of the treatments and travel they will need for Barth.
I will update this with the exact amount and pictures for everyone, so stay tuned........

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Heeeee's Baaaaccckk!

Sorry for the delay in this post, it didn't save the last time I put it on here. Barth made it back home. They released him from the hospital and he is back in town. He is hoping to make an appearance at the BBQ this saturday at the Elk's, so hopefully everyone will get to visit!