Wednesday, May 13, 2009

First update with a new blog here we go! In the coming days, weeks there will be lots on here, so be looking. We will be following the Troughton's on updates, treatments and needs for their family, as well as currrent events and fundraisers. First, a quick update:
Barth just got discharged a few days ago after a few days in the ICU at South Peninsula Hospital. The treatments helped with his breathing and he is glad to be out! He is still having daily lab draws to determine whether or not he needs an transfusion of red blood cells or platelets. That will determine what time he has chemotherapy (which happens on Tuesday's and Friday's). Thank goodness Dr. Lawson comes to Homer for clinics! They find out next week if they will be making their way up to Wasilla to add in radiation. If things are going okay, they might be able to prolong the radiation. We'll keep you posted on that.

The other upcoming event will be a garage sale to raise funds for Barth to offset some of the costs of treatments, travel, etc. We are asking for any donations anyone might have that we could sell in a garage sale. The date that we would need these items by is June 1st. We are tentatively scheduling the garage sale for Saturday June 6th. The items could be dropped off to us, or we can pick them up. Please contact Tiffany @ 235-4930 or 299-1273 for more information.

In the near future we will be hosting a spaghetti feed and silent auction at the Elk's Lodge, proceeds of which will go to Barth and Pam. If you would like to help with this by serving, baking goods for auction or if you have items that you can make for auctioning, such as jewelry, quilts, etc, we would love to accept donations. We are also looking for any larger donations that any businessess would like to offer ie, halibut charters, car painting, etc. Please contact Tiffany @ 235-4930 or 299-1273.

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