Friday, May 29, 2009


Okay, so here's the scoop....I ran into Barth and Pam today at the hospital, where Barth had to get some more labs drawn. Although the counts were still low, he will not need transfusions.....this is 2 weeks in a row. Some of the numbers were too low and he will have to get the Epogen, but this is great news. Keep the prayers coming!
Barth and Pam will be leaving for Anchorage on June 1st to add radiation to the 2 chemo treatments Barth is getting. They know for sure that they will be there for at least 12 days, then they will just have to see how things go. They are really hoping to be able to come back for weekends and get a break. This is one of the things we are really hoping the fundraisers will help with, travel and lodging expenses. I know it's a very expensive time of year to be traveling as well. We are also making it our goal to fund their entire Seattle trip for the Stem Cell transplants. I will be getting their Alaska Airline Mileage number, if you would like to donate in that way as well.
Don't forget the garage sale is this weekend at the fire station. It will be from 9-1. Things are price really well. If you still have items that you would like to donate, stop them by tomorrow. Mia has made some yummy baked items and iced tea that will also be available tomorrow. Hope to see you there!

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