Saturday, May 30, 2009

Garage Sale

We had Barth's garage sale today and it was a great success! Thank you to all of the people who donated and to all who helped with the sale. We prayed for a nice day and we got it. In fact, the first drop of rain fell when we were loading up to leave! The combined income for both the bake sale and the garage sale brought in $1372!!!! This will be a tremendous help to Barth and Pam, especially since they will be leaving for Anchorage tomorrow to begin radiation. Thank you also to the Homer Volunteer Fire Deparment for letting us use their space and Dan for all his help in sales! Here are some pictures from today.
This is all of things that were donated. We had just unloaded and were readying ourselves for the task of organizing and putting things out before the garage salers came.

Mia and Mikayla selling baked goods and iced tea. Mia was quite the little persuasive salesperson (personally I think it's cause she's so darn cute :) They brought in $105.10 for all of their efforts. They were quite a team!

Tiffany and Alissa, part of today's crew.

Joni and Paul, more of the crew. We were especially thankful to Paul who manned the "man" table, since us ladies had no idea what most of the items were and knew nothing of pricing them.

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