Friday, May 22, 2009


I got an update from Heidi (Pam's neice) who thankfully keeps me up-to-date on the latest in Barth's medical news so I can pass it on to all of you without having to bother Pam and Barth....kind of like the phone-change, but more up-to-date.
Barth will be starting radiation up in Anchorage starting in June. He will be going up June 1st and will be staying for 3-5 weeks. He will be able to begin thalidomide (his second chemotherapy medication, which he had to stop due to complications) since his counts were so good (see previous post). The few he was able to take before really seemed to have helped. I think this is the one that gave him some pretty nasty side effects, so definitely keep him in your prayers.
That's all for now. Keep checking back for more info!

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